
Wednesday 19 June 2024

UK General Election 2024

The table below summarises key points with the potential to affect people with disabilities and health conditions. My summary is: 

  • Voting for Liberal Democrat, Green or Plaid Cymru has better outcomes.
  • Labour seems to have small positive movement. 
  • Scottish National Party appears to be fairly neutral
  • Conservative are seeking to reform disability benefits, with otherwise small positive movement.
  • Reform UK seem to have mostly negative outcomes.  


Positive highlights



Liberal Democrat

·         Health: More GPs. Support for long term health conditions. Access to new medications.

·         Benefits: Reform PIP to stop reassessments. Increase statutory sick pay.

·         Care: Free personal care. Paid carers leave. Higher carer allowance.

·         Transport: Improve accessibility at stations and blue badges.

·         Rights: Disability pay gap reporting. Several improvements to rights.

·         Education: More SEND funding. Free BSL lessons.

Nothing on housing.


Braille manifesto. Other formats soon.


·         Health: Reduce waiting lists. Better diagnostics. Cancer plan.

·         Benefits: All disability benefits +5%. End benefit sanctions.

·         Care: Free personal care. Higher carer allowance.

·         Transport: Make public transport accessible. 20mph speed limits.

·         Rights: Protection for disability pay gap. Additional support in employment.

·         Housing: Right for inclusive housing. Cater for disabilities in social housing.

·         Education: Fully inclusive and accessible schools, more SEND funding.

No negatives of note.

No other manifesto formats.


·         Health: Reduce waiting lists. More GPs & Nurses. Routes to specialists. Reduce health inequalities.

·         Benefits: Improve employment support for those with disabilities & reasonable adjustments.

·         Care: Create National Care Service. Explore better support.

·         Transport: Ensure rail accessibility.

·         Rights: Equal pay right for disabled. Disability pay gap reporting.

·         Education: Improve inclusivity. Change SEND decisions.

Nothing on housing.

Manifesto includes ableist language.

Other manifesto formats soon.


·         Health: NHS spending above inflation. More GPs and Nurses. Community diagnostics. Remove barriers to new treatments. Research support. Other support plans.

·         Benefits: Simpler and fairer process for those affected by severe conditions.

·         Care: Stand behind carers. Cap social care costs.

·         Transport: Improve accessibility at 100 stations. Potential ban on pavement parking.

·         Rights: Deliver disability action plan. Make UK accessible.

·         Housing: Encourage different forms of housing.

·         Education: 60,000 more SEND places.

Not clear if reforms to PIP and disability benefits are positive or negative, but seeking fewer claimants.

No other manifesto formats.

Reform UK

·         Health: Target zero waiting lists.

·         Benefits: Exemption on reassessment for serious disabilities.

Change Equality Act. Scrap DE&I rules. Face-to-face PIP/WCA meets.

Nothing on Care, Transport, Housing or Education.

No other manifesto formats.

Plaid Cymru

·         Health: More GPs. Support for pharmacies. Community diagnostics. Plans and support for various health conditions.

·         Benefits: Oppose WCA changes, Increase statutory sick pay.

·         Care: National Care Service for Wales, free at point of use.

·         Rights: Incorporate UN Rights of Persons with Disabilities into UK law.

Nothing on Transport, Housing or Education.

Several formats for manifestos.

Scottish National Party

·         Health: Boost NHS funding. Reduce waiting times.

·         Benefits: Improve statutory sick pay. Scrap negative welfare reforms for disabled and carers.

·         Care: Reverse moves to stop overseas care workers.

Nothing on Transport, Rights, Housing or Education.

Large print manifesto. Other  formats soon.

I apologise for the inability of Blogger to accept a table with formatting!

Please note that this table has been pulled together from a fairly quick read of these seven manifestos. I may well have missed some points, and there is potential for me to have misunderstood some things on a quick read.

However - this may make you think about the upcoming election in a different way!!

Sunday 16 June 2024

New Shoes

So, its half way through 2024 and the new shoes that I got at the end of 2023 have gone!

This photo shows that the soles have started to fall to bits, with my left shoe doing most the work. Both shoes failed on the same day, during my recent house move, and with the soles flapping about they are no use. So, my conclusion is that the half price which I spent at the end of 2023 has lasted half as long! Looking at the wear pattern it starts to follow the same pattern as other shoes:

As this looks at the soles my left shoe is on the right, and the wear here is bigger than on the right shoe.

To test if it was the hard work of house moving I have bought another pair of the same shoes again, and we'll see how long they last, and if they die quickly I may revert back to the Karrimor Supa's next time.

I also have a set of pictures showing the wear on my Karrimor shoes through 2023: