Tuesday 28 May 2024

Activities for the year

A short post for today! Now that I've had my birthday and I'm officially in my 50's, and now that I've moved house, it feels like I can begin to deal with a short list of important things which have been hiding in the wings for a while. I'm listing them here as an aide memoir, and to let others know about my thought processes.

  • Apply for a blue badge - my walking speed is getting slow, and it is time to make my first application for a blue badge and engage with my local authority in a new way.
  • Re-visit the neuro-physiotherapist. It has been a while since I last saw the neuro-physio, and it feel right to review my stretching routine and make sure that I'm doing all the relevant ones with my gradually changing gait.
  • Re-visit the orthotics team. A conversation with someone about my insoles caused surprise that I've had the same insoles for about a decade. These ones are getting a bit worn, and it may be that my altered gait means that having new ones might make another small difference.
You might be asking why being in my 50's is a factor - its just a self-imposed mental block. I'm expecting plenty of change in the next few years with the beginnings of needing to use more obvious mobility aids. I can draw a neat chapter close for HSP in my 40's quite nicely.


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