
Thursday 27 January 2011

Adolph Strumpell and Maurice Lorrain

The other names by which 'the condition' are known are Strumpell-Lorrain syndrome and Strumpell's disease.

A search on the trusty internet soon identifies that Strumpell and Lorraine are both people. Wikipedia has a page all about Adolph Strumpell, and this quickly links you here - which gives a fuller description.

One sentence directly lifted from here says: His works in neuropathology are of such fundamental importance that he must be ranked among the founders of neurology as a clinical educational discipline in Germany.

Wikipedias page on HSP notes that the condition "was first described in 1883 by Adolph Strümpell, a German neurologist, and was later described more extensively in 1888 by Maurice Lorrain, a French physician" (and this phrase seems to get repeated again and again and again)

There, appears to be very little information about Maurice Lorrain, except to note that he was born in 1867. If anyone knows of more detail here, please let me know!

It would appear that the original references for the condition are:

•A. G. G. von Strümpell:
Beiträge zur Pathologie des Rückenmarks.
Archiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten, Berlin, 1880, 10: 676-717.
•M. Lorrain:
Contribution à l’étude de la paraplégie spasmodique familiale.
Thesis de Paris, 1898.

These references are from here:

Oh, I spot that Lorrain may have favoured the FSP acronym....

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