
Saturday 24 February 2024

Molli Suit and Dating

Just a quick post today with 2 small items.

Molli Suit

There has been several bits of correspondence recently about HSP and the Molli suit. I have heard of one person with HSP in the UK who took the decision to buy a Molli suit.

This person took the decision to get the Molli suit whilst they were walking without aids but experiencing some stiffness and pain when walking (some 6 months after diagnosis). The person noticed a big improvement in their mobility when they were being fitted for the suit, and have been been using it daily for about 2 years. They comment that with the suit they were able to get up off the floor without any aids.

As time has progressed the effects of the suit have become less prominent, but still provides noticeable benefits. They regard the several thousand pounds for the suit as money well spent.

You can see more details of the suit here: 

Co-incidentally the support group also had an enquiry in from one of the UK research teams who are considering setting up a research project to evaluate benefits for people with HSP.


The other thing which I saw was a useful article talking about solving some of the challenges people experience when dating with a disability. The article notes "Dating is more successful when you look for people who will think you're amazing rather than trying to make yourself palatable for others who won't."

The person writing the article says that they disclose their disability on their dating profile, including a picture of them in their wheelchair. They give details around what their disability will mean to the people I might date. They don't focus on diagnosis, which many disabled people feel puts them in a box and which may not mean anything to potential dates. You can read the full story here:

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