Friday, 27 December 2024

Review of 2024

 Annual Review: 2024

Once again the end of the year is here, and it is time for my usual annual reflection on thoughts and activities throughout the year.


During 2024 I've moved on a little further from 2023. I used the start of baclofen (after some delay) as a reason to go back and see the Physiotherapist. I am now using walking poles most of the time, and I have a different set of stretches to do. Just to note, the stretches are working on the same muscles, they are simply dynamic stretches instead of passive ones.

I also re-visited the Orthotist, and how have two night splits and new insoles. My HSP is also far enough for my Local Authority to consider me disabled enough to qualify for easier car parking - i.e. I have a blue badge.

Looking at my notes this time last year, my walking speed remains slow. I might also be experiencing fatigue more rapidly, most noticable when walking, but that's something to consider in 2025. I will also be noting if the use of poles changes my shoe wear rate. 

This Blog

During 2024 I haven't really ben paying attention to readership. Changes to Twitter/X means that think I'm getting smaller traffic through that channel. I've also continued posting about most blog posts on Facebook. I thank everyone who reads this blog, including people making comments appreciating what I say. Such feedback reinforces the reasons for writing the blog.  


As I noted last year, the 2023 survey was a summary of the highlights of the first ten surveys without asking new questions. I didn't have the time or energy to get a survey for 2024, with life carrying on being hectic most of the year. 

Community Contribution

HSP Community activities for 2024 have not changed from 2023, including:

  • Representing the UK at EuroHSP
  • Carrying on with the Enable disability network at work
  • Involvement with the ED&I group at the Institute of Acoustics
  • Conversations/interviews with people about my HSP 
  • Analysing and reporting the results of my survey to share with the HSP world

The main element of my community contribution is once again from being chair of the HSP support group, despite my decreased enthusiasm at times. We have some new trustees during the year, which is good from a new-ideas and a continuity perspective. The trustees and I work to help the group appropriately support its members. You can help too - please reach out to help us.


Along with 2023, I don't feel like I've spent much time looking into new things. I am pleased there are research teams progressing with work, including the new project run by EuroHSP. All researcher work might yield some new HSP treatment choices or understanding soon.

Sunday, 22 December 2024

Symptoms Update - Blue Badge

 A short update today.

Back in the summer, after a conversation, I applied for a blue badge. My local authority have taken 5-6 months to process my application, and it seems that my HSP is sufficiently advanced for me to qualify. So, I am now the holder of a blue badge!

For those who don't know, a blue badge is a UK process, which allows the holder to park more easily. The two main areas are:

  • In car parks an on-street parking, the blue badge allows to you to park for free or for a reduced rate, depending on the rules of each car park.
  • You can also park on roads with some parking restrictions, most commonly roads with single or double yellow lines.
The guidance goes into detail that the badge is not a licence to park anywhere or for parking to always be free, so I now have to learn what I can now do and what I still cannot do.

I have heard others saying that the blue badge is also a gateway to other things, which I will need to keep my attention out for.

If there is another blue theme for camera club in 2025, then I have another photo idea!!