Friday 26 April 2013

HSP Research - Further Papers

This evening I have re-searched the link to see what else has been published since my previous update on papers in August 2012. Another 63 papers have been added since then, all published in 2012 or 2013.

Actually, the statistics look quite similar to those from last year. The search shows that there's been about 70 papers per year published each year since 2006, and the authors who were top of the table in terms of published papers have all had at least one paper published so far in 2013. The journals with the most papers published also have, on the whole, had an HSP paper published in 2013.

There are some 250 new researchers working in some aspect of or relevant to HSP since my last data update - by which I mean author names which had not previously appeared in any of the original data sets.

I'll look at the details of these papers and read their abstracts another day.

The link to get the search is here:


  1. Hi,
    I'm 36 years old and am in the middle of being diagnosed with HSP...
    I've been going through this since I was a kid (where I was bullied constantly and, to a degree, still am) but it is only now that symptoms and diagnosis have been discussed but due to the length of time it has been going on, there are obviously other factors now at play.
    I'm still going through genetic tests and so on but the basics are that I have HSP.
    Your blog has really helped me; I only discovered it recently but knowing other people are out there and that there are discussion boards and so forth has really been a good thing.

    So, thank you.

  2. PS I have a six year old boy so obviously the worry is if he has HSP or not (nobody in my family has so it has various doctors puzzled by my having it). So,it is good to read other people have similar worries.
    Thanks again.
