Tuesday 31 July 2018

AGM 2018: Functional Electrical Stimulation - Jon Graham

The final presentation at the AGM was an ad-hoc presentation by Jon Graham of Physiofunction (https://www.physiofunction.co.uk/).

Jon described that Functional Electrical Stimulation (or FES for short) was part of a rehabilitation triad that they use at physiofunction. The three elements of the triad are Physiotherapy, Exercise and Technology.

Where there is a muscle imbalance the FES system stimulates the nerve, this fires the muscle and causes it to move. The FES systems are usually positioned so that they lift the foot up when stimulated, often making it lift quicker than it would without the FES. The level of stimulation can be varied over time, as patterns in your gait change, and so that you prevent system over-loads.

The main centres for FES in the UK are Birmingham and Salisbury, and two of the main equipment manufacturers are Bioness (https://www.bioness.com/Home.php) and DM Orthotics, or DMO (https://www.dmorthotics.com/). Jon noted that traditionally FES is provided by a unit which straps round your leg, the technology is moving on and it is becoming incorporated into a sock or membrane. You can get whole body systems, such as the Mollii suit (http://www.remotion.co.uk/) which instead of having a few pads like the strap-on system can have between 45 and 50 pads.

There are four routes to getting FES on the NHS. Some regions have a commissioning service. You may be able to register as an "exceptional case". You may be able to regard FES as a mobility aid and get this through the back to work scheme, or you can go through a private channel.

NICE note that FES can be used to help footdrop of central neurological origin (https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ipg278) - which would include HSP.

FES can be used to help build muscles by use with FES Cycling, where the FES system helps you to pedal a stationary bike, and the pedalling helps build your muscles up again.

Jon concluded by mentioning the National Footdrop Society (https://www.nationalfootdropsociety.com/)

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